
the goddess artemis

goddess artemis
Artemis is the goddess of hunting and forests, the original amazon and skilled archeress.

An original art doll, entirely made of fibre, she is the doll I made for my niece's first birthday. One-year old Artemis gave me a sweet little smile when she first held her doll, so I think she likes her :-)

artemis back
Her ample blonde hair is held up in a ponytail with silver headband in these photos. She's also wearing proper thong sandals securely tied up.

artemis au naturel She has all her fingers and toes and a beautiful, anatomically correct body so that she can go swimming in the nude in the forest streams with her entourage of nymphs. She's got quite the little behind on her too ;-)

artemis bust Artemis has large turquoise eyes and she is wearing a removable knitted overdress in archaic style with silver shoulder clips. Her fingerless gloves are an essential accessory for an archeress.


soknitpicky said...

You are *so* talented!

Teresa said...

This is incredibly cute! I love the yarn for her hair. Very creative use of texture. I'm not surprised your niece liked her new doll - it's adorable!